Knowledge-based design and implementation of smart functional materials requires a full understanding of the mechanisms which control the properties and behavior of these very complex systems. Generally, in these materials the defects, discontinuities, and interfaces define many of their properties. This understanding can be achieved only by exploring simultaneously structure, dynamics and function at multiple spatial, temporal, and energy scales. In this respect, the continuously developing state-of-the art of experimental techniques at synchrotron and free electron laser facilities are the key to a full understanding of the properties of a broad range of complex static and dynamic systems, paving the way to further technological advancements. Today scientists are working hard to obtain systems that have varied, controlled and, if possible, predictable properties. In this context, the development of new methods of solid synthesis and their subsequent textural, morphological and structural characterization, as well as the description of their properties (catalytic, optical, magnetic, electronic, etc.), becomes increasingly important. There is a tendency toward the rational design of multifunctional solids, based on the accumulated knowledge in solid state, surfaces, crystallochemistry, thermodynamics, and reactivity. The LS Focus Topic at AVS68 will be dedicated to structural and electronic investigations using hard and soft X-ray scattering and to recent achievements using techniques that have gained significantly from the use of the Synchrotron and FEL-based radiation sources.
LS1+2D+AS+EM+MI+QS+TF: Information and Technology
LS1+2D+AS+EM+QS+SS-TuA: Operando Catalysis and Energy Systems
- Takuya Masuda, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, “In-situ/Real-time XPS Study of Electrochemical Reactions in All-solid-state Thin-film Lithium-Ion Batteries”
LS2+2D+AS+TF-TuA: Role of Defects in Materials
- Jyoti Katoch, Carnegie Mellon University, “Visualizing Complex Many-Body Phenomena in 2D Materials Based Heterostructures and Devices”
- Kai Litzius, Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany, ” Dynamics, Stability and History-Dependence of Magnetic Skyrmions in the 2D van der Waals Magnets FexGeTe2″
LS3+CA+SE+SS: Extreme Conditions: High Pressure, Temperature, High Magnetic Fields
LS-TuP: New Trends on Structural and Electronic Characterization of Materials, Interfaces, and Surfaces Using Synchrotron and FEL-Based Radiation Sources Poster Session