The Vacuum Technology Division (VTD) provides a forum for research in achieving, maintaining, measuring, and analyzing vacuum across a wide range of pressures, gas compositions, and applications. The 2022 VT program topics include: Vacuum Measurement and Gas Analysis and Vacuum Technology for Quantum Applications, Vacuum Technology for Accelerators, Vacuum Technology for Large Vacuum Systems, and Vacuum Pumping, Leak Detection, and Modeling. The VTD Poster session Tuesday evening features the VT Student Poster Competition, where students of any discipline are invited to share their innovative solutions to vacuum equipment challenges. Student presenter awards will also be given for the best oral presentations.
VT-MoM: Vacuum Measurement and Gas Analysis and Vacuum Technology for Quantum Applications
- Nenad Bundaleski, CEFITEC, NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA), NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal, “Towards an Ionization Vacuum Gauge Suitable as a Reference Standard”
- Alex Tingle, ColdQuanta, “Much to Do About Nothing:” Advancing Compact UHV Packages for a “Quantum Everywhere” Future”
VT-MoA: Vacuum Technology for Accelerators
- Marek Grabski, Max IV Laboratory, Sweden, “Vacuum System of the MAX IV 3 GeV Storage Ring: Design and Performance”
- Charles Hetzel, Brookhaven National Laboratory, “Developments of the Vacuum Systems Required for the Electron-Ion Collider”
- Marc Ross, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, “CW Superconducting Linac for the LCLS-II HE Free Electron Laser at SLAC”
VT-TuA: Vacuum Pumping, Leak Detection, and Modeling
- Ewa Ronnebro, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, “Design and Fabrication of Ultra-High Vacuum Test System for Quantitative Determination of Hydrogen Gettering and Permeation of Various Materials”
VT-TuM: Vacuum Technology for Large Vacuum Systems
- Rana Adhikari, California Institute of Technology, “Vacuum Design for a Cryogenic Gravitational Wave Detector”
- Charles Smith, US ITER, “Design of ITER Roughing Pump System”
- Ivo Wevers, CERN, Switzerland, “Vacuum Materials for the Next Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors”
VT-TuP: Vacuum Technology Poster Session