The MEMS and NEMS Technology Group (MN) program will highlight recent advances in the broad areas of micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), especially the latest fundamental studies of novel materials, and processes, devices, and emerging functions and applications of MEMS/NEMS, in various areas. Our program will include resonant low-dimensional materials and parametric and nonlinear MEMS/NEMS resonators which create intriguing possibilities of integrating these devices with existing fluidic, electronic, and optical on-chip networks.
The program continues to embrace the latest progress in optical MEMS/ NEMS, micro/nanophotonics, optomechanics, quantum MEMS/NEMS, resonant systems, CMOS-MEMS, mesoscopic dynamics and dissipation processes, inertial sensors, harsh-environment transducers, and MEMS/NEMS-enabled energy technologies, etc. It also aims to capture some of the latest advances in soft materials, flexible and implantable MEMS/NEMS for biosensing, bio-inspired microsystems, wearable and wireless healthcare.
MN+2D-MoA: Emerging Materials and Structures for MEMS/NEMS Devices
- Azadeh Ansari, The Georgia Institute of Technology, “Fabrication, Actuation and Control of 3D-Printed Microscale Robots”
- Cristian Cassella, NEU, “AlScN Piezoelectric Metamaterials for Next Generation RF Systems”
- Ruochen Lu, The University of Texas at Austin, “Scaling Acoustics into mm-Wave: Higher-Order Lamb Mode Devices in Piezoelectric Thin Films”
- Yanan Wang, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, “Phononic Crystals based on Two-Dimensional Materials”
MN+AS+NS+QS+SE-MoM: Dynamics and Engineering of MEMS/NEMS
- Jürgen Brugger, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, “MEMS-Based Surface Nanoengineering Using Thermal AFM Probes: 30 Years and Counting”
- Huan Hu, Zhejiang University, China, “Nanodevice Fabrication and Nanostructure Fine-Tuning using Helium Ion Microsope”
- Xueyong Wei, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, “Synchronization Phenomena in Micromechanical Resonators: Fundamental and Application”
- Eva Weig, Technical University of Munich, Germany, “Can a Single Nanomechanical Mode Generate a Frequency Comb?”
- Rui Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, “Atomically-Thin MoS2 Nanoelectromechanical Resonators”
MN-TuP: MEMS and NEMS Poster Session