AVS 68 authors are encouraged to submit to JVST A or JVST B (articles/letters), Biointerphases (articles/letters), Surface Science Spectra (SSS, spectral data records), or AVS Quantum Science (AQS, articles) based on your presentation at the AVS 68th International Symposium. You can submit to the journals based on your talk at the AVS 68th International Symposium at any time. You can choose either JVST A, JVST B, Biointerphases, SSS or AQS depending on the topic.
- Your article/letter will be peer-reviewed rigorously as a regular submission and, if accepted, will be published quickly online.
- Your article/letter will get either an article or letter designation on online databases such as ISI; it will NOT be designated as a proceedings paper.
- There are no length limitations and your manuscript can be as long as it needs to be to convey your ideas and results in the most succinct way.
- You can find easy-to-use templates and instructions for authors for all AVS journals by choosing the journal from this link: https://avs.scitation.org. Once on the journal site, click “Preparing your Manuscript” under the “For Authors” tab.
- For your convenience, an article template is available on the journal.
- Please submit using the links below.
Our journal web pages utilize quick links and advanced search capabilities. Articles are fully citable as soon as they are published online.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at publications@avs.org.